In-patient Care
We have excellent facilities for long-term hospitalisation of patients in comfortable accommodation with round-the-clock expert nursing care.
Our canine patients stay in a large air-conditioned ward with kennels suitable for all sizes of dog; there are bathing and showering facilities and access to the secure garden. Cats have their own ward, and we also have a separate isolation area.
We encourage owners to visit their pets and to feel involved in their treatment. During their recuperation, our in-patients have access to physiotherapy, laser therapy and offer referral for hydrotherapy.

We offer excellent surgical care in both expertise and equipment. In the surgical suite, we have a large central preparation area with an adjoining imaging suite (with x-ray, CT and Ultrasound scanning), two sterile operating theatres and a dedicated dental theatre.
Undergoing surgery is safer than ever for all patients, and we regularly operate on rabbits and small pets.
We also offer more specialised procedures, please see our referrals page for more details.

For the early detection of disease, full analysis of the problem and on-going monitoring is all-important. We have a well-equipped in-house laboratory able to run blood and urine tests at any time of day or night. This allows rapid diagnosis for emergency cases and on-site screening. We also use a specialist pathology laboratory for complex tests and Expert interpretation.

After an initial examination of a patient, further investigation can involve our behind-the-scenes facilities:
- radiography (x-rays) can be used to image the soft tissues as well as bones;
- ultrasound and ECG are frequently used to image the internal organs such as the liver, bladder, uterus and heart;
- blood pressure measurement is used for the early detection and monitoring of hypertension, commonly seen in thyroid and kidney disease;
- we use endoscopes to get a view inside stomachs, noses, airways and joints.

K-laser Therapy
We now offer our patients ‘K-Laser’ therapy. This tried and tested treatment offers drug-free, surgery-free, and stress-free pain relief, and has been shown to help in a wide range of cases, including osteoarthritis, post-surgical pain, chronic wounds, and hip dysplasia.

A healthy mouth is vital for your pet’s wellbeing. We have a well-equipped dental suite with sophisticated equipment for ultrasonic scaling and polishing of healthy teeth, as well as radiography and the surgical extraction of diseased teeth. We then recommend regular follow-up appointments with our dental nurses to maintain oral health.